Administration Settings and Information
TIBCO Cloud™ AuditSafe contains two tabs that can only be viewed by users with administrator rights.
The Settings Tab allows you to add or edit Audit Event and Event Status configurations and contains information about TIBCO Blocklayer.
The Connectors Tab tab lists the connectors and REST API’s available in TIBCO Cloud™ AuditSafe. Click the download button to download a connector, or on the TIBCO Cloud™ AuditSafe REST API link to navigate to the REST API page.
Administrators also have permissions to:
- Create Users and Set Privileges which describes how to invite users to TIBCO Cloud™ AuditSafe to view or manage data, and how to disable access for users.
For information on input and output settings when setting up a Connector see:
PostAuditEvent Input and Output Settings Contains a list and description of all the settings available to set up a workflow.
GetAuditEvent Input and Output Settings Contains a list and description of the settings available to pull information about events.
UpdateAuditEvent Input and Output Settings Contains description of all the settings available to set up a workflow.