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Configure TIBCO Cloud AuditSafe UpdateAuditEvent

You can update an audit event for any property by providing the tas_event_id.

Before you begin

You must create tas_event_id.

To update an audit event, perform the following steps:

  1. Navigate to the AuditSafe swagger url <machine_ip>:<port>/swagger/index.html
  2. Under Events API, expand PUT /events/update/{tas_event_id}
  3. Click Try it out, and provide tas_event_id in the required fields.
  4. Edit the body by adding only fields that you wish to change and modify the JSON body. The rest of the information is removed from the body.
  5. Click Execute.


The audit event is updated.

Note: auditsafeHistoryLog extra property is added to the Transactions page , where you can view the modified version history.

Note: The request cannot have empty the JSON values.